Saturday, November 5, 2011

This is my weapon, this is my gun. One is for shooting, the other for fun (in 6 weeks that is) Part 2

This is part 2 of 3. Before reading this section check out part one by clicking HERE

So when I left off my husband and I were getting jiggy in the shower. And by “getting jiggy in the shower” I mean he was in the shower where he could be close to the water in case anything else suspicious should end up on his bush beater, and I was outside the shower gripping the towel rack to keep from tipping over. I was crying because my back hurt and I felt stupid, David was slipping and sliding all over, we were flooding the bathroom… It was the stuff porn is made of.

Finally, after what felt like 2 hours I heard my husband ask me…”Do you want me to pull out?” WHAT??? Is he joking? Surely he’s joking… I’ll kill him if I went through all this for nothing!

“No,I don’t want you to pull out” I screeched! And that was that…it was over with. I will stop here for my mother-in-law’s sake, I know she doesn’t want to read this….

We dried off, mopped up the bathroom and returned to the living room where I determined that the house needed to be mopped for the 3rd time that day {did I mention that I was in crazy nesting mode??}. As my husband watched me mop the kitchen trying to convince me that it was already clean I started having contractions again. Only these were different. This time it was all in my back. I could feel my stomach harden, yet felt no pain. David called his mom again to give her another play-by-play of my contractions and to put her on alert that once again “Noël was sure that tonight was the night”.

I picked up the pace mopping and picking the lint balls out of the carpet. There was suddenly so much to get done! I needed to do a load of laundry, and make the bed, I wondered if there was time to re-wash all of the baby clothes again. My husband kept note of my contractions and how long they lasted. They were so sporadic! I remembered the “411 rule”. Contractions four minutes apart, lasting one minute for at least one hour….or was it “411” maybe it was 911…or 141…I couldn’t remember!!!

I kept cleaning, stopping every couple minutes and doubling over. I couldn’t figure out why my back hurt so bad, everything that anyone had ever told me was to expect menstrual-like cramps but this felt like I was getting my tailbone ripped out with a vice grips! After about three hours the pains stopped and it was 12:30 am. We  figured that I was a crazy woman who would never go into labor and we went to bed.
I woke up at 3 AM like clockwork having to pee. I stumbled blindly into the bathroom and flipped on the overhead “night light”. Something felt a little off but I thought it was just exhaustion. I sat down to pee, and no sooner did my butt hit the seat when I heard what sounded like a gallon of fluid dump into the toilet.
As I sat there it continued to run out, I couldn’t stop it! OMG! I was peeing and had lost all control! That’s when I realized that I still had to pee. Now any normal woman would realize what was happening, but nope, not me!

Suddenly, the worst pain I had ever imagined tore through my back. I could not imagine anything that felt worse than what I felt at that moment. What is going on! Something is wrong; very very, wrong!
What I write from here on out is now just my recollection of the night. Parts may or may not be exactly as happened, but between the blinding pain and the pain medication I had the mental capacity of Courtney Love and this is how I remember the rest of the story.

The pain stopped leaving me feeling incredibly nauseous. I sat there for a good minute trying to will myself to look in the toilet. All the TLC watching I’d done had had an effect on me and I was actually worried that I had just given birth in the toilet like the women on I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant. I finally took a peek and was relieved not to see a baby floating in the water. Then it hit me again. I felt like I had a semi driving over my spine. The only thought I could form was that I needed to get to the hospital because I was “leaking” and in such pain that something really bad was happening.
But first I had to get my husband who was still sound asleep in bed.  I began noticing a pattern, every time I got one of those “pains” I would start gushing again.

A few weeks earlier I had bought a package of THE biggest maxi-pads I could find for after I came home from the hospital. I struggled to reach them as they, of course, were on the top shelf in the cabinet. I put one on, hoping that it would keep me from ruining the carpet as I made my way through the house.

Now to get my husband. He was only about ten feet from me with the bedroom door open so I began to call for him. Being the insanely sound sleeper he is though, he didn’t hear me. I couldn’t walk, my legs were beginning to lose all feeling and I really doubted my ability to stand. So, as sad as this is, I began to crawl. Ten feet, that’s all I had to go! But I felt like I was climbing Mt Everest.  I will never know how long it took me to actually get there- but the point is I made it.

I no sooner got to the side of the bed when I had another contraction, this time I could feel my stomach harden- at that moment it dawned on me that I might be in labor.

“David,” I whispered. “DAVID!” Still on my hands and knees I reached up and grabbed his arm. I tried shaking him but it wasn’t working! He wouldn’t wake up. I cussed him out and threatened divorce and homicide. Finally I pinched him, I know it sounds mean but I could barely reach him from the floor and it was all I could think to do. And it worked. He woke up.

“David! Call the hospital, I think it’s time!” I gasped.

“Call them yourself” he snarled.


“No, David! I mean it this time,” I begged “my water just broke and I can’t walk. Please help me!” {How over-dramatic….}

“Listen Noel,” my husband snapped “I’m going on two hours of sleep here, you don’t understand how tired I am! You’re going to just have to call them yourself!” and with that he rolled over and went back to sleep
I was shocked. And I had to puke. I crawled back into the bathroom and heaved my guts out then laid on the floor as another contraction began. I started crying. I was going to die there. I felt like I was on an episode of Extreme Labor, only I would go undocumented. I would just slip away, nobody would ever know what happened to me. They would just find me there dead, leaking from the vag with a vomit trail running down my chin. I could hear my husband snoring which made me hate him. Then I had to puke again.  As I was puking my husband came tearing around the corner so fast I thought he was going to wipe out.

He was in full blown panic mode and stared at me like I was crowning. Standoffishly he asked what I needed him to do; looking totally freaked and borderline hyperventilating. He was kind of bouncing a little. I asked him if he thought we should call the hospital or just go. He gave me a blank stare as if I had asked him to start tearing up bed sheets and boiling water. Just then another contraction started and I told him we would just go. 

As I gripped his arm with all I had, wondering if he could carry me in my current state should my legs actually give out, he asked me if I wanted him to grab my suitcase. This being my first child, and I having no clue that it would be hours yet before I even needed to go in, I told him that he would have to come back for it because I was about to give birth on the dining room floor. 

He held my hand and walked me around to my side of the truck, opened my door and made sure I was safely in before closing my door for me. Now, to the sex offenders that frequently watched me from their 2nd story window across the street, this looked like a chivalrous move on my husband’s part. In reality, just the night before he made the mistake of letting my clumsy ass wander unattended to my side of the vehicle where I tripped in a snow bank, then while trying to catch myself slipped on a patch of ice and slid underneath the vehicle where I was stuck by my belly until he realized I wasn’t in the vehicle with him and came around to pull me out.

It was 3:30 AM on a February morning in Wisconsin. For any of you that know anything about anything- you know how cold that is. Since I skipped Lamaze classes saying they were stupid and I wouldn’t be caught dead going alone, my mother-in-law had given me some tips she figured I’d need; and the number one thing she had stressed was that relaxation was key in making it through contractions.  I however was shivering uncontrollably and was so tensed up I don’t think an elephant could have fought its way out of my vagina.

My husband drove the 6 blocks to the hospital like he was fighting for pole position and squealed into the entryway of the ER. He ran around and opened my door for me and looked at me expectantly as if I was just going to spring to my feet.

“I can’t walk” I told him.

He eyed me up before telling me that he didn’t think he should try to carry me in. I told him to go get me a wheelchair and he disappeared behind the sliding doors leaving me alone. Suddenly, without warning I puked. And not just a little, this was projectile vomit all over the parking lot. I no sooner finished wiping my chin with a napkin I found in an old McDonalds bag by my feet when my husband reappeared. I told him to be careful for my puke.

He helped me into my wheelchair and whisked me inside. And here is where I started 2 days of hell. David wheeled me to the registration desk where sat the ugliest, fattest receptionist with a big nasty mole on her chin. She was wearing ugly scrubs that were a good 2 sizes too small for her and she had whiskers. She handed David a clipboard to fill out, but being prepared I already had all my paperwork and asked him to get it out of my purse. All the while this receptionist glared at me like I was a drama queen. Since I was sure nobody this ugly had even endured the pain of getting her cherry popped, much less labor, I sure didn’t appreciate her passing judgment on me.

Shortly after, a nurse came to get us and led us to the labor ward. Naturally, the hospital was under construction at the time so it took us much longer to get there than I thought should even be legal under such dire circumstance. Once I was in my room the first thing I wanted to do was pee since I still had to go from when I woke up at 3. I made my husband wait outside the bathroom for me because I was worried what state my lady parts would be in at that point and I needed to check it out before I scarred him for life.

The only experience with labor and delivery I had had up to that point was as a 5 year old. We were vacationing at my grandparents’ house in Minnesota where my parents apparently thought it would be totally appropriate to sit me down in the living room and show me a circa 1979 video of a delivery. I was horrified. Primarily at this hairy-afro beaver taking up the entire TV screen, but what came next I was unprepared for. I remember crying and covering my eyes and my dad telling me to quit being such a baby and that I should be “appreciating the beauty of life, after all- in a few years I would be having children of my own.” The second that slimy little body appeared, covered in cheese and resembling ET at the end of the movie where he gets sick and turns white- I ran upstairs bawling. I pulled the covers over my head and sobbed until my mother came up to make sure I wasn’t going to kill myself. 

“I am never, ever having a baby!” I wailed.

And that is a true story about what it’s like to be traumatized as a child. I carried this disdain for anything to do with a vagina for years to come. When I got my first period it took me an entire box of wasted tampons before I could get the nerve to actually insert one. 

So here I was in quite the pickle. I had a human being an inch from tearing its oversized head through my vajayjay and there was nothing I could do about it. As I began to pee I realized I had to stash my waterlogged maxi pad before anybody saw it so I wrapped it in a hand towel and buried it in the trashcan. Just in the nick of time because a nurse barged in at that very moment asking if I needed anything.
This was the moment I lost all dignity.

Sitting there, mid-stream, I begged her to let me get into the hot tub and after checking with my doctor to make sure it was ok she came back in and began to fill the tub. As I lowered myself into the tub I was momentarily disgusted at the thought of all the vaginal sludge that other woman had surely secreted into this tub before me, but that was quickly forgotten when the nurse turned the jets on and another contraction started. I cried for my husband to come in and hold my hand.

As I sat there giving myself a pep-talk for the events about to unfold, the water started getting colder and colder. My husband went looking for the nurse who matter-of-factly told him how to fix it. When we couldn’t get any warm water she tore into the bathroom looking at us like retards and surely pitying the newborn that was going to be sent home with two adults that couldn’t adjust water temperature.

As much as I wanted to stay in the tub, I couldn’t help but feel a little indignant when the nurse herself couldn’t get warm water and announced the tub to be broken. I was so cold at this point that I couldn’t stay in my ice bath anymore and my husband, with the help of a nurse lifted my naked butt out of the tub. They gave me a robe to wear and led me back into my room where my mother-in-law was waiting. I had no clue she was even there. But I was grateful. I loved my husband dearly but had a feeling that he would be of no help to me shortly since he gags at the thought of a booger.

Now that I was out of the tub I was past the point of agony and was desperate. I begged everybody that walked past my bed to get me an epidural. Up until this point I was convinced that I could do it naturally. After all, women had been doing it since the beginning of time. I was in no way prepared for back labor however. I had heard the horror stories; several from my mother who had 8 children-four of them were back labor. But they were all gross underestimates of what it really was like.

My nurse was pregnant with her like 18th child and was telling me how she was going to have it at home in her bathtub as if I was supposed to find comfort in this. I figured by that point they probably just walked out but I was working with a punani in mint condition. I wanted to punch her. But she was my golden ticket to my epidural so I played it nice. She told me I would have to have an entire bag of fluid administered via IV before I was allowed to have my epidural. This news did not impress me but I had had several IV’s and I knew from past experience that it would take about 15 minutes…during this time the anesthesiologist could gather his things and make his way up to my room.

That’s assuming they turn the drip monitor on more than a half a drip every ten minutes. I had contractions coming every two seconds. My husband had decided watching duck hunting on the outdoor channel was acceptable, while complaining about how bad his back hurt from sitting in that chair and my mother-in-law was telling me over and over to relax all the while starting at me like I may have lost my mind. I tried not to watch my IV, I could have put two coats of paint on a barn in the time it took to administer one ounce.
My dear mother-in-law, who was probably worried I’d kill myself if this went on much longer, put herself to use just as I knew she would. She asked my nurse if I could have pain medicine to tide me over until I had my epidural. Normally I hate pain medication. It makes me feel sick and dizzy. But I was to the point where I gladly would have taken a horse tranquilizer injected through my eye just to escape the misery. They could even kill me; I didn’t care- I just needed the pain to stop.

Moments later my nurse appeared with a shot of something. I have no recollection of getting it. All I remember was thinking how nice my mother-in-laws bangs looked that day and making a mental note to tell my husband he should grow his out like that. Then I passed out stone cold. I was woke up around ten o’clock and told that I my IV was finished if I wanted to I could go ahead with my epidural. At that moment I was gripped with another contraction that threatened to blast my spine out my asshole once and for all. They gave me a release to sign and without reading it I scribbled on the line. I don’t think I even wrote anything resembling my name. Had I wanted to come back and sue the hospital {which believe me I did once I realized what kind of joint they were running!} that waiver surely wouldn’t have held up in a court of law. I distinctly remember signing my last name starting with an “M”.

Then my hero appeared. He was practically radiating as he appeared in the doorway. I overlooked his greasy skin and the fact that he was alarmingly skinny and resembled an Ethiopian meth head. To me, he was then and always will be beautiful. He asked everybody to move to the front of me where they couldn’t see what was happening. Then he started taping up my whole back and told me to hold really still. This was the hardest part since I was mid-contraction and so far I had been dealing with the pain by rocking back and forth like a crazy cat lady. But I sat as still as I could while the mother of miracle drugs worked its magic. As I lost feeling in my legs I finally relaxed. I was ready to join the party!

This was the point where my mother-in-law and my husband decided to sneak away to go pick up my bags and have a bite to eat. I was only dilated to about 5cm at this point. I decided to text everybody in my phonebook, drink some water and went back to sleep.

My husband and his mom arrived back an hour later with her husband and my sister-in-law in tow. We all watched the machine that was monitoring my contractions as slowly but surely I dilated to 9.5 cm. They started to get the room ready and suddenly there were nurses lining up at the door to get a peek at my whazoo. And we waited, and waited, and waited some more. I could not get to ten!

Finally my doctor made the executive decision that I would just start pushing. Everybody got into their places with my other-in-law at my head where I ordered her she would stay as I did not want her getting the money shot at any point during that ordeal. With all eyes on me I was told to start pushing. I could not feel my vagina or anything surrounding it so I gave my best shot at what I thought was pushing.  Apparently I was all wrong and I pushed like a weenie.

In the middle of this whole experience I began wondering why pansies were referred to as “pussies”. I am living proof that a vagina is all-capable and can endure things you see only in horror movies. Shouldn’t we start comparing the weaklings of this world to balls? After all, they seem to be the only private part that can’t seem to take any kind of beating. After this revelation I started referring to all things weak as a ballsack. 

The nurse and my MIL gave me explicit directions on how it was that I was supposed to push then coached me through it. I caught on quickly and spent the next 2  hours pushing. After every contraction I was told that the next push could be it! While encouraging at first I was starting to see them for the liars they were and I didn’t want to do it anymore. Plus my epidural had worn off. I begged for another one but was told no because it was too late and I would deliver at any second. An hour of pushing later there was still no baby-and I still had not dilated to 10- so they sent the anesthesiologist back up to top me off.

What was happening was, in addition to not being able to fully dilate; my son had lodged in the birth canal with his head sideways. So instead of crowning, I was more or less “cheeking”. The doctor tried several times to straighten his head with no such luck. I was told to keep pushing. I was giving it all I had. I was begging my husband to get fixed before we left the hospital and was crying while I said it {I thought the tears would seal the deal but he refused to go do it…the ballsack…}

I was going on four hours of pushing now, I had given up on having even a drop of dignity left and my mother-in-law was now holding my leg and counting for me while she made eye contact with my hoo ha, I did not have the physical stamina to push much longer. It was then I noticed everybody whispering around me. When they caught me trying to listen they stopped talking.

“Secrets don’t make friends” I hollered, but nobody was listening. That’s when I realized they were debating doing an episiotomy without consulting with me first. Apparently my husband had given them the big A-OK on it. I didn’t understand why this had to be a secret. I could care less how they got that baby out…they could reach down my throat and make me puke it up for all I cared. I just had to get that baby out of me.
I braced myself for the impending snip- but thank God my epidural had been topped off because I felt nothing really. I really wanted to check out the damages but was too worried I would see my baby cheeking so I decided not to ask for a mirror. I gave a few more sumo-pushes when without warning my doctor gave me not just one but TWO more snips. I wondered if you could even tell where my vagina ended and my a-hole started anymore. I knew it couldn’t be pretty by the look on my husband’s face.

I began pushing once more and I just couldn’t do it. I pushed and pushed and the baby STILL wouldn’t make his entrance. That’s when my mother-in-law put her head next to mine and told me to look across the room. They had wheeled in a table; a big, cold, metal table. It looked like a torture bed. She swears now that she never said this but I distinctly remember her saying that I only had one push left and then they were going to take me away on that table for a C-section.

This of course was not true; the table was full of equipment that was going to be needed once the baby arrived. But I had no idea, and I was scared to death to imagine what it would be like to be transferred onto this bed with a head peeking out of my glory hole. I gave it all I had- one more push. This was every last drop of energy I had. As I collapsed back onto my pillow I felt the strangest sensation. It literally felt as though I had birthed a codfish. 

“Was that it?” I asked puzzled. That’s when I saw my son. Covered in cheese and looking like a sickly ET and the most beautiful sight I had ever seen.

Stay tuned for: Afterbirth- tales of the night shift

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